Thursday, January 19, 2006

When rules aren't rules

CHICAGO (AP) - New York Knicks forward Antonio Davis was suspended five games Thursday by the NBA for climbing into the stands to confront a man during a game in Chicago, and that fan said he did nothing wrong and was attacked by Davis' wife.

How far will you go to defend the honor of your wife? Antonio Davis of the Knicks acted and reacted by running to his wife's safety. Can he depend on everyone else to protect his wife? Depend on security to "break things up?" The probable assiliant was intoxicated. Who knows what he would've done! Does he deserve to be suspended? Probably...cuz rules are rules. You do the crime, you do the time. But what if Antonio Davis ran into the stands to save a child from falling concrete?? He'd be a hero instead of a zero. Interesting...

Less than a week from finishing our paint job at home, we're considering re-painting. The yellow chosen for the dining room is a little too bright. When the sun is setting and shines through our window, you can get blinded if you look straight at the wall. But there's no way we can paint this quarter. Will have to wait till after finals I guess.

On a lighter note...I was in the bathroom earlier, doing my thing. I look up at the ceiling and see a horrible paint job!! And I think to myself, "Geez...I could do a lot better than that."

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