Friday, January 06, 2006

more random bathroom thoughts...

As I was exiting the men's room this morning, I noticed a paper towel wrapped around the handle of one of the urinals with the words written, "Out of Order." Then it occurred to me, or rather, didn't occur to me what that really means. Out of order...what's out of order? Did we order anything? You go to Starbucks and you order a Maple Oat Nut Scone. The barista pokes his head into the pastry display case and comes back with a "I just dinged your car door" look saying, "Sorry, we're out of order." SEE!!! That's when it should be used!!! Or when you go onto and find that missing Star Wars novel from your collection. You click "Add to Cart" and the screen pops up, "We're out of order." Or during a World Cup soccer game and the fans have one too many to drink and start getting rowdy, they get "Out of Order."
When the Out of Order sign pops up on a urinal, what does that mean?? Am I ordering water from the pipes??? Has the order of events been misplaced, hence I can't flush and thus, things are out of order? Hrm....curious isn't it?

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