Monday, January 30, 2006

Tax Season

It's tax season, the time when W-2's and 1099's start rolling in the mail. I really dread this time of the year...especially now that we're filing as a married couple. With the mortgage and deductions...oh, it's gonna be a headache. Anyhoo...that's not what's triggering this post.

A couple of days ago, Tommie asked me a peculiar question. The same question that I came up with last week....In the Bible, why are tax collectors seen as antagonists?? What did they do to deserve such a stigma?

The New Testament mentions the words "TAX COLLECTOR" 26 times. They are coupled with prostitutes.
I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. Matt 21:32.

They are paired up "sinners" and are singled-out.
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." Luke 7:34

Jesus was shown spending time with tax collectors, the most famous ones being the disciple Matthew (Matt 9:9) and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:2).
Is tax collecting really such a sin?!? These people are simply doing a job. Yes, they are working for Herod. And yes, they are taking money from people who rather not give it up. But it's not like they're stealing. They are carrying out an order by the government - submission to authority. Perhaps the writers of the gospels feel that tax collection connotes the idea of greed and stealing. But that's a generalization.

In American history, the United States have always been opposed to taxes. From the days of the Revolutionary War - "No Taxation without Representation" till this very day, "Read my lips. No new taxes!!" -- George Bush Sr.

Maybe Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are early Republicans?? I don't know. But it clearly explains why nobody and I mean NOBODY (Democrats / Republicans) likes the IRS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam Suk is my favorite relative. I love him......

Weren't tax collectors back in the day like the big ear holes of today? Kinda mean and nasty in their ways. Not to say all of them were (Matthew). Plus Little Caeser's rates were pretty bad. Kinda like Canada.......

I'm in favor of taking away sales tax. Double taxation w/o representation is not fun.....