Monday, January 09, 2006

Farewell 2005 Welcome 2006

2005 was full of winners and losers. This kinda sums up 2005.
Some of the winners: Arlene, Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Chi Sox

Some of the losers: India/Pakistan, New Orleans, NHL, Rafael Palmerio, Martha Stewart, Wendy's

Some winners who are actually losers: Wacko Jacko, Kobe Bryant, Robert Blake, Camilia aka the OTHER woman...

Some winners won for the 2nd time: Dubya - FOUR MORE YEARS?!?

Some won for their 3rd: Tony Blair, Spurs, Patriots

Some won their fourth...(Masters): Tiger Woods

He won his seventh...and perhaps his 8th: Lance Armstrong

Some won for the 16th time: Pope Benedict XVI (okay..not really.
but it sorta works)

Some winners won for being there at the right time: Chief Justice -
John Roberts

Some people never seem to lose: George Lucas - Revenge of the Sith

Some people finally get to decide winners/losers: Iraqi's finally get to vote

Then there are those who don't get to or lose, who knows: Terry Shiavo

After making over 20 attempts to sum up my personal 2005 and not being able to get pass writer's block, I decided to roll it off as most elegantly as I can. Here is a look back, at my 2005.

2004 was a year full of glee,
I proposed, I engaged, I was no longer free.
2005 was not to be outdone,
Not a moment of dullness, bordom - none.

Another year, another heart attack,
To the ICU, I headed straight back.
Last year dad, this year mom,
Only this time, I learned to be calm.

With her I prayed, every night and day,
"Jesus is with us, things will be okay."
We grew and bonded like we've never before,
If only we'd done this, us family of four.

I finally moved and changed jobs within,
A new position, from the bottom I begin.
My friends I'll miss, but yes I must go;
Adieu! Adieu! Farewell is sweet sorrow.

Then came the time, I was puzzled and confused,
He heard me, answered me and changed my views.
My wings I will spread, My cross I will carry,
Next thing to do, hurry up and get marry!!

Before we say "I do", we decided to spend,
Real estate is crazy, money we must lend.
Rejection after rejection, we kept falling short,
Maybe renting is the only thing that we can afford.

Alas we have found the house to be,
Chateau de Leung, came with a big fee.
The Lord is with us, in more ways than one,
Remodel and painting, lots need to be done.

Lake Tahoe, vacation, "Dare to be Free."
Surprised by His power, can this really be?
Confizzled, confuzzled, questions and fears,
Some things are not as they seem to appear.

"PCS", Alan said, is the place we should go,
Vacation in Hong Kong, how can I say "no?"
Pre Marital Counselling, intense as it was,
Prepared us greatly, it certainly does.

Last minute gotchas, we change the wedding date,
Not everyone can make it, the change was too late.
Invitations went out, and Evites did too,
It always seemed, we had too much to do.

Astigmatism, nearsightedness I had,
Coke bottles for glasses, my vision was bad.
LASIK and Wavefront, I decided to get,
It meant one thing, that's being more In-Debt!!

20/20 vision, my eyes have become,
now let's celebrate with wine, gin or some rum.
The Lord's been with me, throughout all of these days,
He paves the path for me, and clears up my way.

Then came the day, I made my solemn vow,
My wife looked beautiful, amazing and WOW!
The tears came rolling, I couldn't control,
My love for my wife, everyday it shall grow.

8 years has gone by, Hong Kong I'm back!
Beijing we were going, but Thailand we'd pack.
Breakthrough in Sha Tin, we found peace at last,
One week of PCS, went by too fast.

Beijing was cold, but the sights were stunning,
The food was lousy and our noses were running.
Great Wall, Forbidden City amazing I must say,
But I was dying to go home, back to San Jose.

Another year has past me, more days have gone by,
How can anything surpass the year 2005?
Amazing is His power, amazing is His grace,
I long for the day, we can come face to face.

And of greatest memory of 2005:
September 17, 2005 inside Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.

"In the name of God, I, Henry, take you, Joyce, to be my wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow."

If you missed it, here are 2004 , 2002 . Don't know what happened to 2003.


Anonymous said...

Wow...its almost been 4 months since you've become Mr. Joyce Li....

got henry? said...

but deep down...I will always be Mr. Anderson.