Monday, November 20, 2006

A blessing in my life...

It's not by coincident that God places certain people into our lives. Be it to mentor us (pastors, parents) or to serve us (parents, friends) or to challenge us (teachers, peers). I've been blessed with a huge family of brothers and sisters who continue to show me by example how to live a faithful life in God. A particular dear brother of mine has been very influential in my life in the biggest of ways and the tiniest of avenues.

One instance, we were driving on Hwy 17 when we missed our exit. Having to make a U-turn on the Santa Cruz hills is like trying to find good service at Fry's. We were sitting there for about 5 minutes (more like 1...) and I got a little (very) antsy. When I saw "potential" spots to turn... I would put on my backseat driver hat and scream "GO!! GO!! GO!!"

Course...this brother, being the cool and composed character he is, doesn't want to scare the on coming traffic. Instead, he whispers a prayer to God.... and within seconds, traffic completely disappears from the on-coming side!! We were able to bust a "U" without any worries!! I may be able to run off Proverbs 3:5-6 like the multiplication table... but this brother actually lives it.

Thank you Lord... for giving me another lesson in life.

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