Saturday, November 11, 2006

This moment in time...

(highlight to read)

...I feel sad. One after another, they are leaving. For better or worse, this is God's plan and I should be joyful. But I'm not....

...I feel betrayed. My 49ers are under the rule of a nasty owner who has gone to far extremes to get his way while undermining the city of San Francisco and the millions of fans who have supported this organization throughout the years.

...I feel numb. The Oakland A's are going through the exact same ordeal as my Niners and I don't give a rats' nest about it.

...I feel cold. My hot cup of coffee has been set down too long and is now at room temperature. Room temperature at the Leung Residence is very cold and I now I think I'm drinking iced coffee.

...I feel distanced. Hebrews 10:26 has left an empty feeling inside me.

...I feel hungry. I ate dinner at 6:30 last night and it's been nearly 14 hours since I've eaten.

...I feel burdened and frustrated. When can I exit from hibernation?

...I feel torn. Democrats have overtaken Congress...first time since 1994. This means America can finally concentrate more on domestic problems and downgrade foreign policies to a lower priority. But that means I might be looking for a job in about 6 months.

...I feel like a loser. All the propositions I supported, especially the education bonds, lost in the polls. What country am I living in? We barely pass the cigarettes law. And education is overwhelmingly shot down? Socialism has it's perks too... Kudos to Marx and Mao. If only humans were not selfish beasts.

...I feel like I'm done venting and it's time to start thinking about what I'm gonna have for lunch.