Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's the most wonderful time...of the year

I love Christmas. Love it.. love it.. love it. (aside from the flippin' freezing temperature!!!)

Every year around this time, KNBR, KLOVE and AIR-1 steps aside as I tune into 96.5 KOIT for 24/7 Christmas Carols. I love driving through Willow Glen, turn my headlights off and seeing every single house having a Christmas Tree on their front lawn. I love going to the malls seeing wreaths and lights hanging everywhere. I love the laughter of children and the grumblings of adults as they line up for a picture with Santa Claus.

Everybody is in a giddy mood because it's a good reason to spend money. And Americans love to spend money. We just need a reason to do it. And even if people may not admit it, I bet that people enjoy the gift of giving more than receiving.

Most importantly, I love Christmas because it marks the day that Jesus chose to humble himself to come down on earth to be with us that we may have the chance to seek salvation and re-enter into God's glory.

Conversely... I hate Valentine's Day. But let's wait a couple of months before I rant on that (again...)

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