Friday, January 26, 2007

No suave...

I don't got "suave." What is suave??? It's what you have when you can go into a room and people automatically migrate towards you for reasons they can't comprehend. It's what you have when you're negotiating, you can make the other party WANT to come down in price. It's what you have when the words you roll off your tongue curtail to what the guy wants to hear but not what the guy wants to think. It's what you have, so you get the girl to buy YOU a drink instead of the other way around. I ain't got suave... I ain't smooth. I tell it the way it is... and I let my emotions overtake my mind and common sense. Oh... and today was another painful experience. Wisecracks are funny and humor is appreciated when it's not directed at your Director in front of the world. that I'm typing this out, I remember God specifically reminding me about this last week via TWA, "The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furance on the ground, purified seven times." Psalm 12:6 God told me to think before refine my words. Heh... goes to show that TWA is not just a daily bread.

On a different subject... Imagine if you were on the bottom of Half Dome and some guy at the top of Half Dome told you to have a goal in life, to work hard, and to scale this geographic behemoth. Hrm....



Anonymous said...

Puede Ba Kitan Matawagan?

Anonymous said...

Gusto mong mag-sine? Gusto mong kumain?

Anonymous said...

Ano gagami momaimai ya?