Wednesday, May 23, 2007

back to Bathroom Jabbers...

So for the past two months... I've been making treks down the long hallway to the OTHER men's room to do my deed. I simply can not stand the non-flushable toilets. Alright... last week, I caved, got lazy and went to the one right next to my desk. Lo and behold...9 out of 10 were clogged again!! ARGH!!!

But here's the best part!! Earlier this week...while making a trek down the hallway ( do my deed)... I noticed the Ladies' Room was blocked off! A sign hung outside saying "Sewage Pipe Broken." Whoa!!... In my wildest imagination...I would never fathom that this happens to the ladies room!! GO LADIES!!!

Since we're on the topic of cross-gender bathroom jabber... Earlier this evening at the Macraroni Grill, I went to the bathroom and in there was a little girl (about 3-4 yrs old) with her dad. Her dad was washing his hands while she was ambling around. Now the question I go? Or do I wait till she leaves? What would you do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is what it is.....a man's gotta do (or go in this case) what a man's gotta do (or go in this case). It's a matter of health. When you get to that age where your kidney's start to act up, you're gonna say..."was waiting for some kids worth this?" Your kidneys will thank you in the future.