Friday, May 04, 2007


I don't need a last second 3 ptr. I don't need a 7 game series. I don't need talks about heroics, MVPs, Jordan-like, Bird-like, Magic-like.... just gimme a "Dubya..." and a "Dubya" I got!!!

I'm gonna quit watching sports in a few years. I don't think my heart can take this much longer. I don't think this is good for my Joyce was openly irritated when I nearly created a new hole in the wall. I honestly don't think I can live through another 2002 World Series debaucle. But until the Niners win another Lombardi.... until the Giants win the World Series... until the Sharks carry the Stanley Cup...and until the Warriors claim the Larry O'Brien... I must continue to submit myself to this masochistic guilty-pleasure.

Last night's victory reminded me of 湘北's victory over 山河(ala 男兒當入樽). A low seeded David topples the #1 seeded Goliath. Though it was just one ranked up there with just about any championship game.
But what's different about the Warriors and 湘北...Warriors are going all the way!!!


Anonymous said...

I remember lockng myself in a room for a few hours after the 95-96 Divisional game when the Niners lost to GB. I knew that they would've beatten the Cowboys and go to the Superbowl but they were upset by the Packers.

Anonymous said...

henry henry!! i got an extra copy of "Life is a Gift" for you~!! too bad i am really busy for my school stuff these weeks... hopefully i can see you next week so i can give it to u~
