Friday, May 11, 2007

Looking back...

Approaching the final month of my four year Masters program journey. It was only a few days ago I reviewed the entire 4 years' worth of tuition - totalling up to $80,000...not to mention the sleepless nights, the stressful weekends, the lost of quality time with my girlfriend / fiancee / wife, the lost of many opportunities to do many other things.

Four years is not a short time. I can't say it was wasted completely, but definitely could've been wiser in managing it. I can't help but ponder... "What did I get out of it?" I stare into blank space...not knowing how to answer my own question.

Reaching another pinnacle in life bears no triumph whatsoever. Cuz turning back, I can recall all the adventures, battles, victories, defeats. Yet really...what do I have in my hands to show for it? Nothing... nothing... Suddenly feel so spent... so tired at this very moment in time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will have more times to mess around now!

You will definitely appreciate the free-up times now more than ever before.