Thursday, May 24, 2007


Ahhhhhh....if I were to list out my top 10 talents, ranking up in the top 5 would definitely be "COMPLAINING" right next to "PROCRASTINATING" and "POINTING OUT PEOPLE'S OBVIOUS FLAWS."

The past several months, the on-ramp onto Hwy 17 has been under contruction. Cal Trans is putting in an extra carpool lane (which NOBODY uses!!). But during those two months, traffic flowed like melted cheese.... smooth as silk (for the most part). This week, they reopened the third lane and the metering lights and now traffic gets backed up for up to 15 minutes!!! GEEZ LOUISE PUH-LEASE!!!!

So guess what I did?? I google-d "traffic lights complain san jose" and found a number to the City of San Jose to call. HA! I was surprised that when I called...I actually got a person and not an answering machine!! And the lady even said I was the 2nd person to call in that day. Cool huh? Well... not really. She said she wasn't the right department to talk to. So I was forwarded to the Traffic/Signal department in which I left a message. One day later... they responded to my message!!!!..... only to tell me that I have to call Cal-Trans. Hrm..... will my complaints ever be heard?

The saga continues....


Anonymous said...

I only have one complaint...those ppl that complain......

Anonymous said...

One complaint, the black background of your blog make me dizzy.

Anonymous said...

hahaha... my eyes blink after reading ur words too.. hahha