Friday, August 31, 2007

The Return of the Prodigal Son

Quite different from previous Nouwen books, this one was very structured. He begins by describing his initial encounter with Rembrant's painting. Then he paces through the three major characters in this famous parable before culiminating in the final thoughts that we're all called to "Becoming the Father."

Henri Nouwen transcribes himself into these three different characters. He moves beyond a spiritual writer, traverses pass an art critic and submerges deeply into his own happenings of defiance and repentance of the younger son, the jealousy and contempt of the older son and eventually landing as the father figure in L'Arch Daybreak community.

Nouwen challenges the reader to see him/herself as all three personalities. I can easily see myself as the rebellious Younger Son always seeking forgiveness. Indeed, I fulfill the role of the Older Son, unaware of the blessings I have and only being red-eyed about things I don't have. But to love like a father's love and to extend compassionate hands out as the father did to both sons, I don't think I'm quite there yet. This book certainly cries out for and begs for a revisit in the not so far future...

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