Friday, August 31, 2007

Who Moved My Cheese?

Guy asks me, "How's life?" Two simple words that bled a multitude of ponderance and uncertainty.

"Life is good." I casually answered. Waving off the question, avoiding, not his interrogation or salutation, but realizing that I don't truly have an answer.

Selfishly, I didn't return the universal greeting but instead said, "Life is confusing.... I stand at a fork of the road. Not knowing which one to take." I admittedly was looking for advice. More so, I was looking for sympathy.

"Maybe you should try standing in front of chopsticks," the smart@$$ replies. I look for consolation and I get a sarcastic comment in return. What goes around comes around, I guess.

Guy then says in a very serious tone (as serious Guy can get) "Read 'Who Moved My Cheese'. " Certainly a book I've had on my bookshelf for over 4 years, but never once have I opened it. "You'll finish in an hour," Guy recommends.

Okay...Guy was wrong. It took me three days to get through it. I'm a slow reader I guess. But the question still stands... "Who Moved My Cheese?" And the follow up question... "Which path do I take to find the Cheese?"

Am I Sniff and Scurry? Will I sniff out the change early and scurry into action? Or am I Hem? One who denies change and fears that the future will lead to something worse. Perhaps I'm Haw... learning to adapt, but not quite far enough in my adaption to claim victory. Maybe the book needs to add another character... Hank.

Hank wants to change, but he doesn't talk to God enough and isn't clear of where God wants him to go. Hank gets lost and doesn't like asking for directions. Hank is sick of getting lost but Hank doesn't want to get comfortable either. Hank likes taking matters into his own hands... only to realize it's really not in his hands. Hanks likes to move fast, but lacks patience. Hank stands at a fork in road...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you build it, they will come.......