Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Break my heart and rip my stomach out...

Last night, I was soooo looking forward to dinner. It was the highlight of my day... of my week, even! But 2 minutes away from DLS, Anderson calls and says they're closed. Who in the right minds closes a restaurant on a chilly Tuesday night?!?!? WHO!!?! My dreams of the House Lamb over Rice and Chinese Hamburger....utterly completely shattered. Phooey!

After 5 minutes of lamenting, we decided to head over to WuJi's Mala Hot Pot. Ohhhh ho ho ho... Joycie got the Little-little-little Spicy. I got the Little-little Spice. Good ol' Anderson with his leather tongue ordered Medium Spicy. I was sweating like a hog within 2 minutes of starting dinner but it tasted ohhhh soooo good.

Today...I'm in ohhhh soooo much pain. (use your imagination).

Blame DLS for first breaking my heart...and then causing me to be in physical pain (in more places than one).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm licking my chops right now for some Chinese Hamburgers!
You were sweating, but I was cooler than the other side of the pillow....
I'm still hurting, btw.....