Friday, October 05, 2007

Dreams achieved...dreams shattered

Growing up in the metropolis of San Francisco and living in a dinky Chinatown apartment, I never had the luxury of having a front or backyard. I'd watch American sitcom and always envy those families with huge houses, long spiraly stairs, luscious green yards, etc....

Last Wednesday, I got myself a new toy...the Craftsmen 37501 Electric Lawn Mower. I was sooooooooo looking forward to mowing my newly grown front lawn -- which by the way, the grass is a healthy 6 inches long now!! In fact...the grass is so long, if you walk in it, you leave footprints wherever you go cuz the grass is too heavy to bend backup!! often has one experienced the victory of achievement quickly become the agony of reality. As I first pulled the orange lever to power the machine, as the first sputter of the blade whipped through the grass, as the gobs and gobs of mulch started to eject itself from the rear... I found myself HATING LAWN MOWING!!!!!! LAWN MOWING IS TUFF!!!!!

My yard went from a blade of green grass like the fairway at Pebble Beach, to the swamp marshes of the Florida Everglades, and now it looks like the battleground after the Battle of Gettysberg. Pictures do NOT do it justice of how ugly my lawn looks right now. We are, hands down, the laughing-stock of our neighborhood.

Hopefully....Anderson will come through today and bring REVIVAL!!!!!

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