Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thrice, I wept....

The shortest verse in the bible, "Jesus wept." Jn 11:35.

Saturday afternoon, "Hank wept."
Saturday evening, "Hank wept again."
Saturday night, "Hank wept, yet again."

Lily and Jason's vows were amazingly touching. I think all bride & grooms should consider writing their own vows as opposed to using the standard. But if everyone wrote their own...then that WOULD be the standard, huh?

Vera and Leo also wrote their own vows. And it's hard not to empathize when a groom stands up there and he starts weeping tears of joy.

It was 11:30PM Saturday night. After two weddings and maybe a little too much to drink, I realize I haven't started preparing for tomorrow's lesson. Oops!

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