Monday, October 08, 2007

Random exchange of emails...

Here's a random exchange of emails from last week...when we were talking about 49ers backup quarterback Trent Dilfer....

Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 11:07AM
Sports is so painful....yet so pure! Like slice through a piece of meat...but not leaving any signs of a dull knife. -Hank

Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 11:10AM
If sports are like a piece of meat, would that make Dilfer that one piece of meat that's been sitting in your freezer for 13 months? You THINK it might be edible, and maybe you're just desperate enough to give it a try, but deep down you know that's really not a good idea.... :)

Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 11:15AM
If sports are like meat, Dilfer could be like going to a friend's backyard bbq but you arrive late. And all there's left are veggie burgers. The veggie pattie may look like a regular pattie, but you know it's not. It might try to taste like a pattie, but it doesn't. It might actually be good for you, but you know it doesn't belong in your stomach. And about 2 bites into rather drive off to the nearest In-N-Out and splurge on a real burger. -Hank

Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 11:20AM

If sports are like meat, Dilfer's a McRib. It's almost like meat, and you can even convince yourself for a few minutes that it tastes pretty good, but ultimately it's just an overly processed pattie made up of all the bits they couldn't otherwise make useful. Oh...and they also stopped making them fresh 7 years ago....


And THAT my what I call an intelligent conversation about SPORTS and MEAT.

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