Wednesday, October 21, 2009

First date...without Nui-nui

Nui nui is already 4 months old... and it's been a good 4 months since we've gone on a "date." We rushed home after church to get ready... then we rushed to drop Nui nui off at good ol' Auntie Mel-mel's place... and off to Star Wars in Concert we went. We find parking and start walking towards the Shark Tank. About 3 minutes into the walk... it hit us. It really hit us. We didn't have our daughter with us. Awkward? Naked? Weird? Incomplete? None of these words fully describe it.

For me... I've been back at work since July, so I'm more or less use to not have Nui-nui around me. But for Joyce, other than sleeping, she's never been separated from Nui-nui for more than an hour. And even if they are separated, they're always within a 100 yard radius of each other. So this is how mom and dad felt the day I went to college...

Mood: Thankful

1 comment:

JI Annie said...

Rachel is so cute!!!!