Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Nui-Nui has been exhibiting small signs of rebellion. She doesn't like to be held at times. And she fights off when we push her hand from her mouth. A very poignant moment in the Leung's household last night when Joyce lovingly whispered "Nui-nui...don't grow up so fast. Don't stop being my little baby."

How I dread the day she goes off to college... the day she walks down the aisle... the day she gets sworn in as the first Asian president of the United States.

Mood: dreadful


Anderson said...

Well...I was thinking more of her winning the LPGA Championship...with good 'ol Uncle Anderson being her sponsor!

The other Anderson said...

sorry dude... you're "Chor Bok-bok" whether you like it or not... WHOOOOOA!!!!!!!!!!

Roy2000 said...

Henry, you think too much lah...

Anderson said...

Wooo!!!! But sook-sook sounds a lot....I mean A LOT nicer!

I must correct me statement..she's gonna surpass Wie and be the first lady to win a men's golfing tournament!