Friday, October 09, 2009

Why was it ever a tough decision?

Last night, I was VPN-ing when Nui-nui started crying for no apparent reason. I ignored it for about 15 minutes, hoping she'll calm down and go back to sleep so I can get some work done. I got really annoyed when it continued and continued. Then it hit me.

I'm choosing to do work over holding my own daughter? How many more years do I have where I can actually hold my daughter in my own arms? And I'm about to give that up so I can work on some crap that isn't gonna get done anyways?

Come to think of it....why was it ever a tough decision to begin with?

Mood: disgraced


Roy2000 said...

Agreed. The choice is obvious.

christopher said...

most parents have this revelation. it's just important that you have it... and pray for the ones who never do.