Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chink in the armour

Up 2-0 and I still have very low confidence.  People around me are already celebrating.  Do they not remember the '96 Braves? Or the 2004 Yankees?  Or any of the Giants teams in the past 58 years??  UGH!!!!!

Deep down... I knew it wasn't going to be a sweep.  But I was still hoping... dreaming... fantasizing.  And now.... it's shattered.  Broken into pieces.  That will never be put together again.  What's done.  What's history... can't be rewritten.

I only have tomorrow to look forward to.  5:57PM first pitch.  Must I wait that long to go through another 3 hours of torture?? Geez Louise Puh-leeze. 

Panda-vol - sit his arse down man. Ride some pine and chew some bamboo!

Pat the Fat Bat-  c'mon Machine!  Get your mojo going.  No one's asking you to be the #1 draft pick hero... just don't be the dud Ray's made you out to be

Sanchy - where's that fastball??  Man... did we make a mistake by not trading you for a bat??  Sure you got the glory for game 162.  But had we had a bat.... we probably wouldn't have needed to play game 162.  No love from me boooooy!

I just know I'm not gonna sleep well tonight.... so why even bother??

Mood: depressed beyond description

Monday, October 25, 2010

Father Daughter Moment

Last night in our living room... Nui-nui and I played catch for a good 2 minutes. was a Mickey Mouse ball. was more like bouncing the ball to one another than actually throwing.

But the age old tradition of playing catch has started.  And oh guess what... I'm teaching her to throw southpaw.  Who needs the World Series when I have moments like that?? (uhm.... MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Mood: blessed

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Am I dreaming...? Is it really true? Did the Giants just win the NL Pennant and about to advance to World Series?

Bottom of the 1st inning... Sanchy looked horrible.  I gave in and took my family to Costco. I couldn't bear to see my Giants fall apart... and I couldn't bear to see my daughter see her dad look like a lunatic.
Oh.... but I kept a close eye (or ear..) on the Giants.  While on our way to Costco... we came back and tied it at 2.  Again... I'm not superstitious...but I quickly called Jeff and said I'm not gonna go home - that's why we scored!

In Costco.  Out of Costco.  Drive to Lucky's.  In Lucky's.  Out of Lucky's.  I kept checking on the radio... hoping I don't hear any roars.  We got home...and I needed to start cooking dinner.  Still.... I crept over to the radio and TV to check in.  And still.... it was tied at 2-2.

Then the moment came.... my phone started ringing and Caller ID was: Private Number.  I picked up...and it was Chris calling from Hong Kong!  He needed some play by play action.  Then we hung up... and the moment we hung up...Uribe puts one in the bleachers.  3-2!! 

CRAP!! I couldn't call him back!!

Then I ran into my room and IM'ed my brother who's in China.  He was only able to watch it on minutes delayed Gamecast.  So I gave him my play by play via the internet. 

6 outs.  Game 6.  Those words don't go well together.  My knees were literally shaking.

Then Timmy comes in.  Strikes out the first out.  I even felt... hey.... maybe he can close.  And immediately, he surrenders back to back singles.  Crap!! Suddenly... feeling hopeless again.  A million scenario runs through my head and none of them are favorable.

B-Wheezy comes in - FEAR THE BEARD.  The certified ninja.  And something that NEVER happens to the Giants, happened.  Line drive-  into the glove of an out of positioned Huff - Double Play.  Threat over.  3 outs to go.  THREE OUTS!!!!

I IM'ed Guy to have him call Chris to call me back.  My brother is watching over a webcam.  Nui-nui is running everywhere destroying things and reeking havoc.  Joyce is doing the best to be a peacemaker knowing how important this moment is going to be. 

Top of the ninth - we load the bases. (HOW?!?!)  B-Wheezy comes in to bat.  I'm messaging my brother.  Chris hasn't called.  Rachel bumps her head on the coffee table.  Strike 1.  He looks goofy as ever with that hat and beard.  Ball 1 - inside. He shoulda leaned in and taken one for the team.  Ball 2.  Wow!! Lidge is missing.  "He's not gonna swing," my brother said.  I just noticed I missed Chris's call.  Stoopid AT&T reception at home!  Here comes the pitch... small grounder to first... inning over. 

I know deep down inside... Wilson wanted to go deep.  Get his first basehit of the season.  3 outs left.  Messaged Guy again to have Chris call me. "HAHA" was his response.  Fingers nervously communicating with my brother telling him... "Laptop is running out of juice.  AC is in bedroom.  Not running in there to get it."  It wasn't a was a fact. 

Should I call Jeff? I haven't talked to him since the bottom of the third.  I better not.  He won't pick up.  He's superstitious.

Bottom of the ninth.  Wilson gets the first out. Then gets the second out.  Then he gives up a single. Then a long battle with Utley.  Utley... easily the MVP of Giants for all the errors he made this NLCS.  Then it came down to this.  The final battle.  David vs. Goliath if there ever was one.  He-Man and Skeletor. Wong Mo-Gei and Invincible Swordsman. Optimus and Megatron. 

One shall rise and one shall fall. 

I'm now on my knees.  Am I praying...? Perhaps.  Am I desperate.  Yes. Am I about to hyperventilate.  I forget.  Rachel still running wild.  Laptop still running out of juice.  Chris still hasn't called.  STRIKE ONE.  46,000 fans in Philly cheering on Howard.  One swing of his bat and the game could easily be over.  Deep down... I was assuring myself that we still had Game 7 with Cain.  But deeper down inside, I knew if we lost this one...we weren't going to win Game 7.  That's how baseball works.  BALL outside.  BALL low.  STRIKE TWO. 

Wheezy has a free base. He doesn't have to challenge Howard.  He can go after Werth - righty vs. righty.  BALL Three.  Full count. 


Full count.... my phone rings.  It's Chris.  I now have brother over webcam and Chris on phone from Hong Kong.  Rachel is being held by mom now. 

Here comes the pitch... inside - SWUNG AT - Foul!!!! We live to see another pitch...but not for long.  Cuz another pitch like that and my heart will stop. 

Man on 1st and 2nd.  Here comes the pitch..... fastball down the middle...but WAIT...the ball disappears and takes a 12 to 6 dip!  Howard doesn't swing.  He freezes.  The whole world freezes.  Then all those torturous moments culiminates in one smooth left handed uppercut by home plate umpire.  STRIKE THREE!!!

"THE GIANTS HAVE WON THE PENNANT!! THE GIANTS HAVE WON THE PENNANT!!!" I scream over the phone.  Wilson does his salute and Posey jumps into his arm!  I hear my brother laugh from the other side of the world.  My wife and daugther are hi-fiving each other!!  I run to embrace them and continue to jump up and down.  Somewhere out there... in Giants world... there's another fan who's jumping with me in his living room with a 17 month daughter and his wife.  Somewhere!!

I'm sorry I doubted you! I'm sorry I left in the middle of the game. I'm sorry for being unfaithful...disloyal.  I'm sorry.  And that....was it.  I was done.  Spent.  Then I realize... I'm starving.  Time to eat dinner.  But more than that...I'm starving for a World Series Championship.  And with that... I try to message my brother but my screen simply said - "POWER EXHAUSTED - ENTERING SLEEP MODE." 

Mood: TORTURE!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

I'm scared...

I'm scared...  Scared to the marrow in my bones.  What if we lose tomorrow? What if we lose Sunday? To come so close (once again) and not make it? I don't think I can handle it.

I'm scared... The Rangers won the AL Pennant today.  I read an article of their team...their celebration... their long awaited championship.  I'm so jealous.  Why do they get to celebrate already?

I'm scared... What if we lose to them? They have an awesome offense.  They have a legitimate closer.  They have Cliff Lee.

I'm scared... Scared that the moment I walk away from sports, once and for all, that will be the moment we win, and I would've just hopped off the wagon. 

I'm scared...

Mood: scared

Highest highs to lowest low...

Highest Highs....

Nui-nui's first Giants game...and boy was it memorable. Bottom of the ninth sacrifice fly to score the winning run off of Oswalt.  My boy!!! OOOO-Ribe.  OOOOO-Ribe.

I know I'm not suppose to be superstitious.  But after going up 2-0 against the Phils, I left my seat to get some food.  During those two innings, the Phillies went up 4-2 on us.  I was dying to get back to my seat... but we had to feed Nui-nui.  I was sooooooooooo torn apart.  At one point, while walking around to get food, I flat out told Joyce, "I have to watch this."  And was able to stand behind the glass panel to catch a glimpse of the game.  Sigh.... TORTURE.  But alas, I am a father.  And I must do what I must do.

After two innings of being away from our seats, Joyce made the ultimate sacrifice and said she'll take Nui-nui and I can head back.  That was my cue to go!  I ran back to the seats... got beat up by Jeff for leaving and immediately... we took the lead back!! 5-4!!!

Lowest Lows

Flash forward 24 hours. 

Down 3-2, I was debating... should I go to CGST's Bible Study....or stay home and watch??  Fish or bear claw??  Was I really going to choose the Giants over Bible Study? Was I??

I sorta made a compromise.  Remember... my phone doens't have internet access.

Got to Crosspoint at around the top of the 8th. Quickly ran inside to check in... then ran back to my car to hear the Phillies were retired with bottom of the 8th, Posey, Burrell and Ross coming up.  Ran back inside for worship. Ran back outside to hear Madson striking out the side. (DARN!!!) Ran back inside for   discussion. Discussion ended 20 minutes early.  Excused myself and ran to my car to turn on the radio to hear Jon Miller doing the post game show - no celebration.  Meaning... we're going back to Philly for Game 6.  #&!^@**@^#&!!!!!!  So close!!!!!!!

Why....oh why the torture??!??! WHY!?!??! WHY!?!?!??!?!

Can't we just simply and easily score 10 runs in the first and call it a day?!?!?!? I HATE BASEBALL!!!!!

Mood: below average

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Took an EQ (or EI) test recently... and the score wasn't quite what I expected. 
85 out of 150:  Below Average. 

The lowest category: Stress Management.  And within Stress Management - the lowest scoring sub-category is Impulse Control.  Huh... would've never figured that. =)

The result summary did say that my results indicate a "fairly negative or critical self-appraisal."  Is that true? Am I a negative person?

Mood: emotionally inquisitive

Monday, October 11, 2010


All is forgiven!!! All is forgotten!!! 

LET'S GO GIANTS!!! *clap*clap*clapclapclap*

Oh man oh man oh man...

Why did I get the feeling that we were gonna, once again, celebrate in the Atlanta clubhouse?
Why did I get the feeling that we were gonna come back after going down 2-1?
Why did I get the feeling that the unlikely hero was going to be the one guy that Sabean can't take credit for trading?
Why why tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????????????????????????????????

Bring on the Phillies!!!

DON'T STOP, BELIEVIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Don't no one call me a hypocrite, now.  I've always loved los Gigantes... )

Mood: exhausted

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Darn you Giants!!! DARN YOU!!!

8th inning...we were up 1-0.  Then within a blink of an eye... we were down 2-1!!!! 

They Braves don't deserve it!!!  All their players are injured!  Sanchy pitched a gem.  They've won a World Series.  This one belongs to us!! It's only fair. 

I started punching things... Nui-nui got scared when she saw daddy lose his head.  Mom had to take hide Nui-nui to prevent collateral damage.  I hid myself in our room, punching this... punching that... (all soft stuff) and ended up spraining my wrist. 

Stoopid Giants!! I hate loving you... and right now I love to hate you!!!!

9th inning... we're down to our last out.  Down to our last strike.  Why am I still tuning into the game??? Cuz I'm stoopid crazy enough to believe we can still comeback.  Wagner is hurt.  The Braves are vulnerable.  And we had a former batting champ at the plate. 

The rest... is history.  Single... walk... single... error.... GAME!

Up 2-1 with Mad Bum going tomorrow. 

Why am I still watching....? Why am I still rooting...? Probably cuz deep down inside... I believe....

Mood: tortured

Saturday, October 09, 2010

I hate the Giants...

They did it to me again!! Fool me once...shame on me.  Fool me twice.... shame on me again?!?!?!?!?! Fool me every year since 1987!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... why do I keep letting them drive that knife into my heart? into my soul? Can't they just go away??  This is worse than a bad breakup with the lunatic ex.  This is worse than being lactose intolerant and going back for more Cold Stone.  This is worse than going to Costco thinking you'll leave with just ONE thing...

Anguish.  Hopelessness. Utter darkness. You name it... I'm feeling it.  And the only way for me to escape this feeling of despair is to mask those feelings with hatred.  ARGGGGGHHHHH....

"Fear leads to anger.  Anger leads to hate.  Hate leads to.....SUFFERING."
       --Master Yoda

Mood: numb

Monday, October 04, 2010

My 13.1 mile journey...

After weeks of training... it all culminated to today's 13.1 mile journey.  Here were some highlights...

1) Got assigned to Corral #16 - the final pack of the race.  In other words... I was starting at the very end of the pack...
2) Had 30 minutes left so I lined up for the port-o-lets...just in case.  Out of the 20 lines, there was one line full of men.  Of course... I lined up at that line.  And of course...that line sped right through.  Why the other people didn't line up there..who knows.
3) Saw someone write the words "GO GIANTS" on their shirt.  But they're lined up at the back of the pack.  I don't believe in omens.... only bad ones.  That really made me sick to the stomach - TORTURE!!
4) Standing at the starting line while counting down the final seconds... I suddenly remembered those years of standing at the starting line for the Bay to Breakers with big bro.  This time, I was alone.  Got a bit teary-eyed reminiscing.
5) And at that very instant... it started sprinkling.  I guess God was a bit sad also.
6) 7 minutes into the start of the race... I finally got to the official STARTING LINE.  And out of the corner of my eye, a blur of gray charges at me.  "FINALLY FOUND YOU!!" It was Daniel!  We originally planned for him to meet me at mile 5.5.  I guess he wanted to try to conquer the whole thing.  And just like my spiritual walk at SJCAC, I really took off when Daniel came to our church.  Quite symbolic, I thought.
7) Stupid walkers... stay to the right!  Get out of the way!
8) Amazing how much water is wasted - when countries in Africa and Pakistan are dying of thirst.
9) As I approached mile 5... on the other side of the path... I see the first man running through mile 12!!  Dang he's fast.  (Oh well... I betcha he can't integrate by parts!!) 
10) First woman to pass us on the way back... and she's only behind two men.  Albeit...she's about a minute behind them.  But when God created man and woman... they're not that much different afterall!
11) As I approached mile 6... on the other side of the path... I see the first Asian man running through mile 12... who's that? He's non-other than SJCAC's very own TOM WONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I'm sure he can integrate by parts)
13) Daniel needed to go use the restroom... I didn't want to wait for him so we parted ways.
14) Finally caught up to the 2:30 pacers.  Was hoping to catch up to the 2:15 pacers.
15) WOW.... never seen these parts of San Jose!!
16) Stupid joggers...stay to the right!!
17) Thank you Bill Simmons, Joel Osteen, David Jacoby and Streams of Praise for cheering me on via my iPod.
18) Cytomax is pretty good!  Tastes better than water!
19) Running on a cool morning sure beats running on a hot October afternoon.
20) Must've been four/five times that the man with the red ASIC headband passed me.  I guess we were pacing each other without knowing it.
21) Just realized that I blew away my best Bay to Breakers time! 12k now seems like a jog in the park.
22) Running by Starbucks and Peet's, I couldn't help but think how long would it take for me to get back on the coffee bandwagon.
23) Ran past the Egyptian (Rosicucian Museum).  Suddenly thought of Royce and their Egyptian vacation.
24) Heart started to ache.  During a race... that is exactly the type of pain you do NOT want to have.  Quickly laid hand on myself and prayed for God's quick healing.  Afer 2-3 minutes...the pain went away.  Phew...
25) Around mile 12... saw a man being carried onto a stretcher.  Ouch....
26) Finishing time: 2 hr 17 minutes.  minus the 7 minutes getting to the start line - a time of 2:10.  Beat my expectation of 2:15.  But I really wanted to come in under 2:00.
26.1) Got to the reunion area to wait for Daniel... and he was already there!  Apparently, he finished the entire race without stopping! But he skipped all the free food and drinks to meet up with me.  Darn kid... I spend months training to finish in 2 hours+.  He runs with me just once and he finishes a few minutes behind me. 
26.2)'s not coincident I end with 26.2.  Cuz the next time I write a "running" blog, I will end at mile 26.2. 

Mood: exhausted...yet thankful I finished