Friday, December 16, 2011

Apex'ed yet?

Gosh... and I thought the fever was bad.  Last night die for.

After a warm shower and some oatmeal body wash to reduce the itching, I applied some Calamine to my rashes.  Only....the warm shower apparently made the itch 100x worse!!  I tried everything to get rid of the itch.  I took a shot of benadryl.  No avail.  I doused myself with layers and layers of hydrocortisone.  Minutes of relief.  The pain wasn't close to subsiding.  I finally grabbed a couple of ice packs.... one to step on with both feet and one to grab with both hands.  That...finally...provided some relief.

And I hung onto that thing for dear life for the rest of the night. Had four ice packs going...switching it up every time they melted.  Then I took a shot of nyquil, hoping I can fall sleep.  Didn't work one bit.

Stayed up the entire night ITCHING.  Like the soles of my hand and feet have these ants and bugs crawling on it, gnawing and chewing on my tissue.  Again, the only form of relief was to hold onto an ice pack for dear life. 

Finally, at 4AM, I was able to close my eyes for an hour.  And when I woke up.... the itch went away.  But instead of itch....each and every spot that itched, is replaced with a soaring pain!!

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