Friday, December 23, 2011

A look back at 2011

2011 - What is 2011? It's a prime number as well as an odd number.  It's a first of the 10's, I guess, or whatever you call this decade.  It marks the end of many eras (Space Shuttle, Steve Jobs, Oprah, War in Iraq) as well as the beginning of many more (Occupy, Middle Eastern Revolutions, Jim Harbaugh). 
But what was 2011 for me? Or.. in reality, what was 2011 like for my family?

Let's go through the bottom 3 of 2011 before we hit the top 10. In no particular order....
  1. Sharks lose to Vancouver in Game 7 of Western Conference Final / Buster Posey goes down with season ending injury. -- I know... how can sports matter so much in your life? I don't know either... bite me.
  2. Virus and bacteria and germs - oh my! - Croup, Multiple bouts of cold, Hand Foot Mouth, food allergies plagued Nui-nui and Bebe and ultimately our family.
  3. Being a father / Being a husband / Being an employee / Being a son- there was a 2 month period where I completely failed at being any one of the four. And when that happened... I had no one to turn to for help or comfort.  No one.
Let's do the easier one... or the happier one... or the one where I actually blogged about.
In reverse order, as it should be, I guess

10. Got jobs??  - In this economy, we can't take anything for granted. Childcare, diapers, data plans, gas... they all cost money.  Not a day goes by where we're not thankful (though we do complain every now and then...tee hee!)
9. United Premier Membership. - >25,000 miles in one calendar year.  What does that mean? In 2012, free upgrades, early boarding, free baggage check, etc...
8.  Mother/Daughter Bond - During the 2 weeks MIL lived with us to during 坐月, Joyce was able to re-establish a mother/daughter relationship that is oh, so precious and priceless.
7. Family reunion in NY - Blogged about it here.  In essence, got to see members of my family I've never met and might never ever see again.
6. Promotion to Manager - Finally made that step from engineer to manager.  In a way, it caused a huge strain in our marriage and family... (see bottom #3 above) but it also helped me earn #9.  A new chapter being written.... and thus far, the first few pages have been respectable.
5.Wedding Bells - Two of my closest friend and my best friend got engaged and/or married this year. One word.... FINALLY!!!!
4. Fruits of the Loin - Two of our closest family friends were blessed with their little ones 1 week apart!  Eden Fellowship's population increased by almost 40% within two months!! 
3. Nui-stones - Simply too many to summarize in a couple of sentences.  But looking back at my 2011 blog, over 70% of the entries were dedicated to Nui-nui and her daily/weekly/monthly milestones.
2. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!!! - And to you who thinks I'm crazy for putting this #2, NEW YORK CAB DRIVER SALUTE TO YOU!!!!   56 years of futility and we finally get to raise the World Series Banner at AT&T.

and the #1 event of 2011 for me.............. it's actually quite easy when you think about it.  It's already been foreshadowed twice in the list above.  

1. Birth of My Son - 為梁家繼後香燈.  I know... it's old fashion.  I know... it's old society.  I know...!  But there still was that infinitesimal pressure of needing to have a male in our blood line.  No idea where that idea came from.  And not even saying it's right, proper or justified.  In any case, that day was best summarized in my Running Diary. Though, that's not why it's #1.  Any children is a true blessing from God.  I can only be thankful that I even have the honor of being a parent twice.

For all the good times and bad times... I still give praise and thanks to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior!

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