Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Creed

This is My Creed.  I will add to it. I will stand by it.  But I'm not stubborn enough to refuse to change it. 

I believe... one true God. Jesus Christ, my Savior, the only begotten Son of God the Father. the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, who still empowers us today. love at first sight
...democrats and republicans are both right
 ...good coffee could be had with sugar/cream, but great coffee should be enjoyed black the education system
...ten hugs and kisses can not ever repair the damage caused by yelling at your child once public displays of affection
...that people can change
...the biggest short coming of any economic system (capitalism, socialism, etc...) is GREED
...3DTV will not sell taking risks is a sport
...6" of extra leg space should not come with a price even though it's priceless
...the 2002 Giants would've won Game 6 had Dusty kept Ortiz in the game
...we are the only living beings in this universe can't prove everything empirically
...we spend too much time and money arguing and debating instead of doing
...complacency and comfort is just as deadly to a soul as drugs and alcohol to a body
...marriage is ordained for a man and a woman
...ghosts and demons, as much as I believe in angels and spirits
...I have lot to add to this list...

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