Friday, December 16, 2011

If I had one wish....

If I had one wish....what would it be???

Some might say "World Peace."  Prior to 2010, some may have said "let the Giants win the World Series."
Some of the more clever folks will say, "I wish for infinite amount of wishes."  Course...there are over a million movies who've done that premise where the person says something like "I wish this never happened....only to realize it wasn't REALLY a wish, just a figure of speech." 

One of my friend taught me an even more clever trick..."An infinite amount of wishes provided a snap my fingers every time."  That way.... I won't slip and say something like, "I wish you were dead!!!"

Well.... be careful what you wish for, cuz it must might come true.

After the holidays feastings... the huge amount of travel... the generous amount of portions I feed myself, I told Joyce that I wish I could go on a fast.  Of course.... fasting shouldn't be for personal gain.  Rather, it should be God ordained and for His purpose.  But He works in weird ways.

With this stinken (no pun intended) HFM disease, I've lost my appetite for 4 days now.  And when I'm hungry, the sores in my mouth, tongue and throat prevent me from wanting to eat.  Not only that... I've been wanting to reduce the amount I speak, cuz.... I know more than anyone, I talk waaaaaaaaay too much when not invited to speak.  With these canker sores, I'm limited to how much I can talk around the house!! 

Sigh.... such it is.

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