Tuesday, April 03, 2012


How dare I write about a female other than my wife or my daughter?   Well... this post is dedicated to a woman in my life (in many of our lives) that symbolize and defines the term "change." 

I met 嘉怡 five years ago at Foothill College on an unassuming Tuesday afternoon.  It was the start of Joseph's Outreach Campaign... and through the previous year's students, we found out that student orientation was a prime time fishing. By God's grace, she became part of the insurgence or invasion of students that completely overtook Joseph and part of CS.  Slowly and sadly... the students started to fade away.  Being consumed by work, life and anything but church.But 嘉怡 remained and was always the constant. 

Joyce was given the opportunity to mentor 嘉怡 for a few months and as time continued to flow... relationships started to run its own course. 

Shortly after... the fateful time came for this generation of students to transfer.  We knew this date would come where the sheep we've tended to will be released into their own destiny.  嘉怡 remained.  In fact... she was the sole survivor from that gigantic group - "the Foothillers" as opposed to the "De Anzanites." 

From a student... from a young, naive teenager.... she slowly matured into a young woman.  And from one who is served... she quickly became a servant leader herself when she was picked to lead Joseph Fellowship.

Three incidents stand out more than any....

1) One time, she unassumingly. described the "pain" and "nuisance" of always having to call the students to check on their attendance and ride situation. 
2) Another time... she shared how much of a headache it was to keep the students occupied between Mission Conference and Alpha.  They ended up playing Wii in the crying room.
3) CNY2012 - after Joseph's skit... our little 嘉怡 stood up and introduced Joseph Fellowship to the world. 

In a way... she's the little sister I never had.  In another way... she was one of my first "spiritual daughters" I watched grow up right before my very eyes.  All this.. because we decided to make that trek up Foothill College to meet up with students we didn't even know. 

My...how time flies.

We will miss you 嘉怡.  This post is solely dedicated to you. 

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