Sunday, April 08, 2012

Separation of Church and State

What an amazing honor to have the rare opportunity to teach "Separation of Church and State" for this quarter's Sunday School.  The previous years have been rather mellow, mainstream, orthodox topics.  Don't get me wrong... just having the chance to be part of any Sunday School, children, youth, truly a priviledge.

Having grown up in America... and gone through both private and public education... I have an engrained sense of how our country was established.  Pilgrims, Puritans, American Revolution, Constitution, "In God We Trust", etc...   But as I'm going through the research to prepare the lessons, I'm dumbfounded by the layers and layers of onion skin that I haven't pulled back. 

The more I research... the more I appreciate all the religious and political intricacies that form our nation.  Course... not everything is as glorious as our textbooks try to portray.  And regardless of good, bad or ugly... I can continue inhaling everything.  This stuff is better than the most addictive Korean Soap Opera!!

Yet... I can't help but admit I'm disappointed at the Sunday School's attendance.  I can find excuses...that it's Easter Sunday... or there are folks who were stuck in other meetings.  But Joyce really laid it out plainly.... "People are just not interested in politics."

I respond by saying, "Don't they care about knowing how to vote?"

She said, "People don't vote."

I had no comeback.

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