Thursday, January 31, 2013

3 days more...

"3 days more... another day another destiny...this never ending road to New Orleans..."

Oh geez.... haven't even blogged on the Niners season.  As big a Giants fan that I am, I'm twice a Niners fan.  Can't help it... that's the sport I grew up loving.  Montana, Clark, Craig, Rice....then later Young, Rice, Brent Jones, Watters.  To some extent.... Garcia, TO... and then the years of mediocrity.  And more years of mediocrity.

Earlier I was walking the halls at work talking to my buddy about the Niners, I literally got chills.  CHILLS!!!!!! 

Sunday will be interesting.  I already know Joyce and nn won't be around.  It's just me and Joshua.  Oh geez.....baptism by fire boy!!!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What is this world comin' to....?

Back in my days...parents had to PAY for us to not play.  Whether it's paying for earning good grades.  Or paying for us to go to Chinese School. 

Yesterday, I bumped into a fellow parent at nn's school.  He said he pays for his son to play soccer twice a week.  It's not really play soccer...but it's to get some exercise. 

Since when did schools got smart enough to have parents pay for their kids to play?  Playing should come naturally...right? I shouldn't have to play for my kid to go kick a ball around.  Or do somersaults on some mats.  I can't complain too much, cuz I'm feeding the system.   

Geez....what is this world comin' to???

Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Day Part II - If you smeeeeelllllllll........

It's fake.... It's childish... It's stupid.... Yes, Yes...and Yes.  But one of guilty pleasures as far back as 2nd grade has been "professional wrestling." 

Still remember those days when mom wouldn't let us watch wrestling and we 'secretly' recorded it.  Then watched it with the living room door closed thinking we've outsmarted her.

Still remember.... that fateful Sunday in 1986 when we convinced mom and grandma to take us to Cow Palace to watch Wrestlemania III (live simulcast), only for mom to do the right thing as a parent and say "No."  She ended up buying us a program... and big bro ended up crying on the way home.

Still remember.... a year later on network TV, Hogan got jipped of his title on "The Main Event" when Earl Hebner, twin brother of Dave Hebner, counted three even when Hogan had his shoulder up.  I was in the kitchen cooking dinner cuz I was too scared to watch.  Yes... I thought it was real.

Still remember....the rise of NWA, later known as WCW.  Sting....the Four Horseman....Luger.

Then at some point.... wrestling got dumb or I just grew up. 

There was always a constant in wrestling.... for me, at least.  And that was Hulk Hogan.  He left....and came back...left and came back.  When this wrestling icon finally came back...and to rival WCW no less.... it sucked a loser, like me, back into the show. 

But throughout the years.... I've never been to a real wrestling match.  Have never seen how professional or unprofessional the sport really is.  Until the night of the 21st....when I got two free tickets to WWE Monday Night Raw.  Hahahaha....

Everything was as expected.  Over the top acting.  Corny angles.  Loud music.  And I'm not sure what bothered me more....the fact that people actually paid for this stuff?? (It was a full house at the Shark Tank) or the fact that some folks, adults, were really into it.  They were boo-ing and giving the finger as if they really hated the heels.  Hahaha..... 

I never dreamnt of being a wrestler.  I knew I wasn't cut out for it.  I always wanted to be a referee. I always wanted to be the ONE ref....who would run out after the official ref got knocked unconcious.  I wanted to be the guy who won the World Title for the guy who kept getting jipped.  But y'know.... not so much anymore.


Happy Day - Part I - Happy Hollow....

Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Nui nui didn't have school.  So between the wife and I, I decided to take the day off and have a "Father Daughter Day" and spend the day with nn at Happy Hollow Park - a little zoo in San Jose. 

The day started with breakfast at McDonald's.  But by that time... nn was so excited she couldn't even eat.  So I ended up chomping down both Sausage McMuffins....poor me.  Then we got to the park early and was the sixth or seventh car there - covered parking.  SCORE!!!

Man...$26 for two tickets and $10 parking later...we get to the park.  But it's city owned and they don't hand out maps.  Not a bad idea, by the way, to save paper/money.

We first went to the petting which nn was completely frightened of.  Then we headed to the carsousel.... again, she was scared and we ended up sitting on a non-mobile cart.  Surprisingly...our next ride was a mini-roller coaster.  And nn not only wasn't scared...she went back for seconds!! 

After a few other rides and the monstrosity playing structure... nn gives out a "The zoo is a lot of fun!!" 

We went back to the carousel...and this time, she wanted to ride a mobile animal.  She specifically wanted a horse...and there were only three of them.  Like any other parent...we want the best for our kids and will do anything to make them happy.  At the same time, we want to teach them they're not priviledged and they don't always get what they want.  This post isn't titled "Happy Days" for nothing.  Of course...we ended up being fourth in line.... and the other kids wanted the zebra and dolphin.  So we were able to get the horse...yippee!

To top off the day... I had a "mandatory" telecon at 1PM.  And as the time drew near...I ended up getting a slice of nn's favorite - cheese pizza - for her to feast on while I finished my call.  She was an angel... knowing exactly what I needed to do. 

We were able to leave Happy Hollow without her throwing a fit.  And finally.... I saw another dad lining up to pay the $10 for parking.  I walked up and said, "I'm leaving now... you want my parking ticket?"

And that's just part 1..... HA!

Friday, January 18, 2013

14 years

Today marks our 14 year dating anniversary. 14 years is not a short period of time. Still remember those first few rocky months and how childish we were. How we famously broke up over a dozen times. We were both strong willed and strong minded. And overly immature.

If not for God's grace... we would never be where we are today.

To another 14 years! Cheers!

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year's Resolution

Welcome 2013....oh man, do I welcome you!  A great excuse to drop old habits and to start new ones.  New Year's Resolution is sooooooooooo overrated...but nonetheless, it's good to state and restate goals for 2013.  Let's check back in 12 months to see how I've fared.  In no order of precedence... here goes....

  1. Rediscover my six-pack - I know it's there... it's just shy and needs some encouraging
  2. Revive TWA Sharing - this begins with me.  TWA is the core of our Christian Living... we mustn't be lazy
  3. Remodel - this is the year we find that architect and draw up those plans!
  4. Be more patient - this goes with the folks, with the kids, with my direct reports...and most importantly, myself.
  5. Winning the Superbowl - ok...a bit out of my control.  But a resolution nonetheless....
  6. There's gotta be more....but maybe I'll stop here for now.... it'll take all my strength and might to even get half of this done...

Sunday, January 06, 2013



今日係二零一三年嘅一月六號。 可能到妳識睇中文, 呢個部落格已經唔存在。

我想話妮知我係一個好失敗嘅爸爸。 今日晏晝,我因好小事, 竟然話講出父母千萬唔可講嘅三個字: 唔要妳。 然後真係開始走, 嚇到妳嗌破喉嚨,成個教會庭園都靜晒。之後返到屋企,又因好小事 鬧到妳狗血淋頭, 鬧到妳唔單只喊,而係喊到要揾地捐。

係我嘅錯, 而且係大錯特錯。好多時我忘記妳只得三歲,我對妳既期望實在太大,對妳一D都唔公平。

乖女,爸B對妳唔住。 我由下晝到而加個心重頂住訂住。 呢個內疚感係我應得,但我喺妳心靈留下嘅傷痕,我盼望耶穌可以為妳醫治裹好。

女, 我知錯喇。 妳可唔可以再次原諒爸B呢?
