Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Day - Part I - Happy Hollow....

Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Nui nui didn't have school.  So between the wife and I, I decided to take the day off and have a "Father Daughter Day" and spend the day with nn at Happy Hollow Park - a little zoo in San Jose. 

The day started with breakfast at McDonald's.  But by that time... nn was so excited she couldn't even eat.  So I ended up chomping down both Sausage McMuffins....poor me.  Then we got to the park early and was the sixth or seventh car there - covered parking.  SCORE!!!

Man...$26 for two tickets and $10 parking later...we get to the park.  But it's city owned and they don't hand out maps.  Not a bad idea, by the way, to save paper/money.

We first went to the petting which nn was completely frightened of.  Then we headed to the carsousel.... again, she was scared and we ended up sitting on a non-mobile cart.  Surprisingly...our next ride was a mini-roller coaster.  And nn not only wasn't scared...she went back for seconds!! 

After a few other rides and the monstrosity playing structure... nn gives out a "The zoo is a lot of fun!!" 

We went back to the carousel...and this time, she wanted to ride a mobile animal.  She specifically wanted a horse...and there were only three of them.  Like any other parent...we want the best for our kids and will do anything to make them happy.  At the same time, we want to teach them they're not priviledged and they don't always get what they want.  This post isn't titled "Happy Days" for nothing.  Of course...we ended up being fourth in line.... and the other kids wanted the zebra and dolphin.  So we were able to get the horse...yippee!

To top off the day... I had a "mandatory" telecon at 1PM.  And as the time drew near...I ended up getting a slice of nn's favorite - cheese pizza - for her to feast on while I finished my call.  She was an angel... knowing exactly what I needed to do. 

We were able to leave Happy Hollow without her throwing a fit.  And finally.... I saw another dad lining up to pay the $10 for parking.  I walked up and said, "I'm leaving now... you want my parking ticket?"

And that's just part 1..... HA!

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