Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year's Resolution

Welcome 2013....oh man, do I welcome you!  A great excuse to drop old habits and to start new ones.  New Year's Resolution is sooooooooooo overrated...but nonetheless, it's good to state and restate goals for 2013.  Let's check back in 12 months to see how I've fared.  In no order of precedence... here goes....

  1. Rediscover my six-pack - I know it's there... it's just shy and needs some encouraging
  2. Revive TWA Sharing - this begins with me.  TWA is the core of our Christian Living... we mustn't be lazy
  3. Remodel - this is the year we find that architect and draw up those plans!
  4. Be more patient - this goes with the folks, with the kids, with my direct reports...and most importantly, myself.
  5. Winning the Superbowl - ok...a bit out of my control.  But a resolution nonetheless....
  6. There's gotta be more....but maybe I'll stop here for now.... it'll take all my strength and might to even get half of this done...

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