Thursday, January 31, 2013

3 days more...

"3 days more... another day another destiny...this never ending road to New Orleans..."

Oh geez.... haven't even blogged on the Niners season.  As big a Giants fan that I am, I'm twice a Niners fan.  Can't help it... that's the sport I grew up loving.  Montana, Clark, Craig, Rice....then later Young, Rice, Brent Jones, Watters.  To some extent.... Garcia, TO... and then the years of mediocrity.  And more years of mediocrity.

Earlier I was walking the halls at work talking to my buddy about the Niners, I literally got chills.  CHILLS!!!!!! 

Sunday will be interesting.  I already know Joyce and nn won't be around.  It's just me and Joshua.  Oh geez.....baptism by fire boy!!!!!

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