Sunday, March 17, 2013

Generational sins

Another reality check hitting us smack in the face. At swimming class today, Nn found out her friend just came from their mutual friend's birthday party. Needless to say, Nn was disappointed she wasn't invited. Actually, she was more confused than anything.  Joyce said the most obvious answer and yet the hardest to bear answer.... it's that we don't know them very well. So my kid has to suffer due to her parent's inability to socialize.

 This especially hits us hard because Joyce and I are natural introverts. We don't mind not being part of the crowd or we would gravitate towards being alone (generally speaking). But by us bring our old selves... we're in retrospect impeding if not endangering Nn's social acumen.  So what does that mean? Prolly means we'll have to get chummy with the other parents toget Nn more inbolved.  Sigh.... the things we do for our kids....

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope Francis I

A new pope was elected and announced today... Pope Francis I, hailing from Argentina.  The first American (Latin American) pope. What can I say... once a Catholic, always a Catholic.  And this pope is extremely personable to me.  Francis.  Of all the names.... he picks Francis. 

Patron saint of San Francisco - the city where I grew up.
My own personal patron saint... I even chose "Francis" as my confirmation name.
Francis of Xavier founded the Jesuit society.  And my alma mater, Santa Clara University is a Jesuit college.

Pope Francis - living a life of meekness and humility; serving the poor.  Living in an apartment instead of the bishops home.  Cooks his own meals. Takes public transportation.  Slow to debate and lets his action speak for himself. 

At Vatican meetings.... loves to take the back far back as possible.  Speaks out against social injustice.  But also is known for making a wrong move here or there.

Definitely reasonate with his style. 

What does that mean for the Catholic church???  He's a 76 year old conservative with only 1 lung.  How much energy does he have left to right the wrong? To cleanse the years of scandals? To reunite the divided?

By his physical self... a few years.  By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit..... who the heck knows.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Cuate.  In Spanish, it means "twin" or "twin brother." 

I have two cuates... both of which I met in college.  Both happen to be Mexican.  One cuate is in the Army, lives in the East Coast, happily married and we stay connected via social media.  We share the same birthday.

My other cuate... works for the same company I work at, but a different part of the corporation; a branch out of Colorado.  And by luck or happenstance, as I was walking out last Friday, I see him sitting in some random spot, doing some random work. 

I'm thinking.... ("Wait.... do I know this guy?? He looks familiar.... OMG.... it's........")


Hahah..... literally, seeing a long last family member.  The last time we saw each other was years ago when we went to a Giants game together. It's been almost 7 years.

Went to lunch with him yesterday.  And man..... he's a father of two, well established, approaching his mid-30's.... and he hasn't changed one bit.  Not one little, measly bit.  Same cuss words.  Same laff.  Same wide eyes.  Every last bit of him....the same.  Only... he put on some pounds and has a few extra wrinkles.

Makes me wonder.... have I changed??????  Hmmmmmm.......

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Up again

Woke up and felt really rested so I decided to shower and make breakfast... Only to realize it was 230AM!!

I tried to go back to sleep but it was fruitless... Fruitless after another night of guilt ridden sleep. Geez.... For Lent, we're fasting Anger and trying to not yell at Nn... But for the 2nd day in a row... I fall victim to my own rage and disappointment.  I stand in between two dichotomies... Either I spoil my kids and give them whatever they want .. Or I stand firm and let them get into their tantrums and fits and not bend.

Joyce is saying Nn needs security and needs to sense unconditional love.  But why do I think kids can  pick up on that and manipulate you?

What do I do? What would you do? And why can't I find the answer on Wikipedia?!?!

Friday, March 01, 2013

Simple act of kindness

What may seem like a simple act of kindness or an insignificant gesture of politeness can have herculean effects.

Take for instant... a story my dad told me.  He was a waiter in Chinatown many years ago.  And a stranger walked in looking troubled and disconcerted.  My dad naturally offered the man a glass of water...knowing full well he wasn't a paying customer.  The man gulped the water... and walked out.  Several weeks later...the man comes back and offers my dad a red envelope - thanking him.  Thanking him for saving his life.  Cuz that man was nearing cardiac arrest and at that moment... what he needed was a glass of water. 

Sometimes it's a smile.  Sometimes it's a hug.  Sometimes, it's opening your home and letting someone come in and feel loved. 

I thank you for the simple act of kindness. 

千里馬, 奔跑吧!