Sunday, March 17, 2013

Generational sins

Another reality check hitting us smack in the face. At swimming class today, Nn found out her friend just came from their mutual friend's birthday party. Needless to say, Nn was disappointed she wasn't invited. Actually, she was more confused than anything.  Joyce said the most obvious answer and yet the hardest to bear answer.... it's that we don't know them very well. So my kid has to suffer due to her parent's inability to socialize.

 This especially hits us hard because Joyce and I are natural introverts. We don't mind not being part of the crowd or we would gravitate towards being alone (generally speaking). But by us bring our old selves... we're in retrospect impeding if not endangering Nn's social acumen.  So what does that mean? Prolly means we'll have to get chummy with the other parents toget Nn more inbolved.  Sigh.... the things we do for our kids....

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