Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope Francis I

A new pope was elected and announced today... Pope Francis I, hailing from Argentina.  The first American (Latin American) pope. What can I say... once a Catholic, always a Catholic.  And this pope is extremely personable to me.  Francis.  Of all the names.... he picks Francis. 

Patron saint of San Francisco - the city where I grew up.
My own personal patron saint... I even chose "Francis" as my confirmation name.
Francis of Xavier founded the Jesuit society.  And my alma mater, Santa Clara University is a Jesuit college.

Pope Francis - living a life of meekness and humility; serving the poor.  Living in an apartment instead of the bishops home.  Cooks his own meals. Takes public transportation.  Slow to debate and lets his action speak for himself. 

At Vatican meetings.... loves to take the back far back as possible.  Speaks out against social injustice.  But also is known for making a wrong move here or there.

Definitely reasonate with his style. 

What does that mean for the Catholic church???  He's a 76 year old conservative with only 1 lung.  How much energy does he have left to right the wrong? To cleanse the years of scandals? To reunite the divided?

By his physical self... a few years.  By the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit..... who the heck knows.

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