Friday, March 01, 2013

Simple act of kindness

What may seem like a simple act of kindness or an insignificant gesture of politeness can have herculean effects.

Take for instant... a story my dad told me.  He was a waiter in Chinatown many years ago.  And a stranger walked in looking troubled and disconcerted.  My dad naturally offered the man a glass of water...knowing full well he wasn't a paying customer.  The man gulped the water... and walked out.  Several weeks later...the man comes back and offers my dad a red envelope - thanking him.  Thanking him for saving his life.  Cuz that man was nearing cardiac arrest and at that moment... what he needed was a glass of water. 

Sometimes it's a smile.  Sometimes it's a hug.  Sometimes, it's opening your home and letting someone come in and feel loved. 

I thank you for the simple act of kindness. 

千里馬, 奔跑吧!

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