Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Up again

Woke up and felt really rested so I decided to shower and make breakfast... Only to realize it was 230AM!!

I tried to go back to sleep but it was fruitless... Fruitless after another night of guilt ridden sleep. Geez.... For Lent, we're fasting Anger and trying to not yell at Nn... But for the 2nd day in a row... I fall victim to my own rage and disappointment.  I stand in between two dichotomies... Either I spoil my kids and give them whatever they want .. Or I stand firm and let them get into their tantrums and fits and not bend.

Joyce is saying Nn needs security and needs to sense unconditional love.  But why do I think kids can  pick up on that and manipulate you?

What do I do? What would you do? And why can't I find the answer on Wikipedia?!?!

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