Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Cuate.  In Spanish, it means "twin" or "twin brother." 

I have two cuates... both of which I met in college.  Both happen to be Mexican.  One cuate is in the Army, lives in the East Coast, happily married and we stay connected via social media.  We share the same birthday.

My other cuate... works for the same company I work at, but a different part of the corporation; a branch out of Colorado.  And by luck or happenstance, as I was walking out last Friday, I see him sitting in some random spot, doing some random work. 

I'm thinking.... ("Wait.... do I know this guy?? He looks familiar.... OMG.... it's........")


Hahah..... literally, seeing a long last family member.  The last time we saw each other was years ago when we went to a Giants game together. It's been almost 7 years.

Went to lunch with him yesterday.  And man..... he's a father of two, well established, approaching his mid-30's.... and he hasn't changed one bit.  Not one little, measly bit.  Same cuss words.  Same laff.  Same wide eyes.  Every last bit of him....the same.  Only... he put on some pounds and has a few extra wrinkles.

Makes me wonder.... have I changed??????  Hmmmmmm.......

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