Monday, August 26, 2013

Ahhhh sh*t.......

I don't normally swear... but sometimes... that's all the words that comes out.... "Ahhhhhh sh*t....."

Last night at nursery, while we were helping out, a 10 month old boy had a little accident while playing around.  He fell and started bleeding from the mouth.  That was right when mom walked in...and anecdotally... she bursted into tears.  Tears of sadness...tears of fear... tears of pain.

What parent wouldn't cry when seeing their precious child bleeding?!?!?!?

It took almost an hour... but we finally calmed the situation down.  And we thought everything was fine.  Until today... we received an email that the parents took the baby to ER and found out that the tissue between the lips and gum is permanently torn.  And now the parents are afraid there'll be speech impediments or other side effects.

That's right.... "Ahhhhhh sh*t......"

To top it off.... the parents are soon-to-be-believers.  What will this situation do to their view of our church??  Man....what have we done?

Joyce puts it perfect.  "Logically, we know it's an accident.  But the feeling of guilt is suffocating."  And right now... I'm still suffocating.

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