Sunday, August 25, 2013

What you see vs. What you get

A dear friend of ours came up to me and made mentioned that Nn has really changed recently... in becoming more open and gregarious...

This isn't the first time someone's brought that up to us... but we (Joyce and I) simply don't get a chance to observe it.  Rumor has it, whenever we're NOT around, Nn is actually a warm, confident, extrovert!!  But when we're around... she clams up and hides in her shell.

Confirming my theory... this dear friend offered up that perhaps the child is in fear of disappointing her parents.  That Joyce and I (really me...) have set too high of expectations for her, insofar as she has this inherent fear of disappointing us; or failing in front of us.  Rather than heed that embarrassment or ridicule by her sarcastic father... she rather hid inside her cave and play it safe. 

Oh boy.... what have I done?

SW probably won't have this problem... he's just two, but he's already off in his own world.  He can care less about what we think or what we say.  He just goes about his own business with the goal of pleasing one person, himself. HA!!

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