Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wake Up Call

Of all the days... it happened on my birthday.

Monday night, Nui-nui says, "Bah-bee...can you come home earlier?"
Tuesday... I told her I'll be home early so we can go to dinner.  I run late...
Then on WednesdayI... I tried to leave work early to spend time with the fam... nope.
I was suppose pick up dinner... and I get home super duper late.  Not only am I late...the fam is starving.

That night, Joyce tells me:

Nui-nui drew a picture the other day.  She drew me...drew Siu Wah...drew herself. I asked her, where's Bah-bee.  And she says, "Bah-bee is not home.  He's at a meeting." 

Bah-bee is not home.

This is a wake up call.  I need to change jobs. Career is worthless compared to family.  There are those who can swing and balance both.... I can't.

Is even still up and running?

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