Saturday, December 28, 2013

Annual Vacation - Asians Asians Asians

Joyce checked the weather forecast and decided to head up the Aerial Tram tomorrow... so today, we headed to the outlets to do some more shopping.  As if Gilroy wasn't enough.

Started out the morning looking for milk for Nn. What seemed like a trival task turned into an adventure.  Walmart didn't have it.  Starbucks didn't have it.  The local donut shop didn't have it.  Not that they didn't have milk...they sold out of Horizon Organic milk.  I guess we're not the only overly concerned parents out there.

When we got to the outlets... we ran right into two tour busses unloading Asians after Asians.  Japanese... mostly Chinese.  They kept flooding the parking lot.  I guess if we go back to China for tours... they bring you shopping at the weirdest places: jade factory, tea factory, ging-tai-lam.  Here in America.... Outlet malls.

Saw one man holding four heavy Burberry shopping bags.  Typically...there's a line at Coach... nothing.  Coach isn't even worth their time.  It's all about Tory Burch. Not even sure what Tory Burch is.  

The only thing we bought there?? A two item combo at Panda Express and a Coney Island Hotdog.... then a Haagen Daas ice cream cuz we had a coupon.

Dinner: Sam's Sushi.  Luckily made reservations. People came in... were told the wait will be 30 minutes... and left.  I guess non-Bay Area people aren't use to waiting for a table????

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