Saturday, December 21, 2013


It's official!! Siu Wah is diaper free!!

It clicked. It simply clicked.  I can't say we didn't force him... cuz there were times we had to give him some "tuff-love."  But the little guy is sleeping dry.... in his undies.  Phew.....

Still trying to train him to harness his spray.  He enjoys the sound of water splashing and the tinkling towards the end. But he's still not too decent with the aim.  Naturally, he liked to stick his butt out - which meant the final drops of pee will fall on his pants.  So I had to teach him to stick his pelvis out - to ensure every last drop falls in the bowl.

And thus begins the scariest few weeks of them all....the times when he's no longer in diapers... and we have to, first, TRUST him to tell us when he needs to go.  And second.... pray for a clean, usable bathroom when he does tell us.

Good job son!! I think you've just made my year....

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