Sunday, December 22, 2013

Family Altar - with the Franciscos?!?

Hosted a little Christmas party at my place tonight.  Towards the end of the night... when everyone's left except for the Francisco's... I decided to call a "Family Time."  Their kids were still a bit hyperactive from the ice cream and cookies and opening of presents.  So I figure I can sit everyone down for a few moments and calm down. 

Poor Chris and Mel... not really sure what I was gonna do, but they played along.  Everyone did their share... they said something happy that happened to them during the day.  And then I read from the bible.  Picked the most appropriate verse of the night.... the wise men bearing gifts to Jesus. 

Quickly turned that into a blessing.... that little Cathleya and Jeremy will always remember the greatest gift of all.  And to always, always cherish that gift... and return it by loving others. 

Chris definitely received by osmosis.... and he started opening up about taking the kids to Midnight Mass.  Mel kinda tucked away respectfully.  And the kids....?  They are so precious.

Thank you Jesus...for giving us a chance to have Family Time with our friends.  May they be inspired by your Spirit to continue praying and blessing one another. 

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