Sunday, December 01, 2013

Family Altar - Day X

Haven't blogged about our Family Altar time in a couple of weeks.  But by God's grace... it's now a part of our lives; to a point where Nn will request it or remind us that we haven't done it.  And SW will instinctively grab my bible when we sit down on the living room floor.

Last night... after our customary 2-minute family time (yeah... 2 minutes is all we can sustain with a 4 and 2 year old), I thought we should extend the time by going around and have everyone share a "Happy Moment" from the day. Worked out amazing!! Everyone felt happier after everyone was done sharing!!

Then today at church was the annual round of Thanksgiving Testimonies - where PAL gets a little lazy and invites people to share instead of preaching.

Is it me...? Or does every year have at least one testimony (myself inclusive) share on the difficulties of conceiving and starting a family?
 Is it me...? Or does Grace go up every year without pre-coordination?
There's usually an "employment" one.
And more often than not a "health/sickness" one.
This year....we even got a couple of "empty nesters!"

After CS2... I told C-hing, "In 18 years... it'll be us giving those empty nest testimonies."

Ahhhh.... the power of thanksgiving.  As Eric said, 「感恩,係可以扭轉命運!」

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