Sunday, December 15, 2013

Stand up for yourself!

There comes a time in life... when you have to stand up for yourself.  That time came this Saturday for Siu-Wah.... and boy was it stressful.

Saturday morning.. .we decided he must stand up and pee.  No more sitting down!! Pull down the pants... aim... shoot!!  How hard can it be?!  I begged... I scolded... I bribed.  Nothing.  He just couldn't do it.  At the very end... I was on the verge of yelling before he squeezed a few drops. 

Ohhhhh.... the ends don't justify the means.  And I felt like crap.

Later that day... we were at the Great Mall doing some Christmas shopping.  SW screams "Pee-pee!" Quickly grabbed the little guy and ran to the men's room.  And surprise surprise... all four stalls were occupied.  And all four of the men took FOREVER!!!!!  What the heck were they doing in there!?!?  There was an old man standing in line in front of me holding a toddler.  Did he offer me the stall that opened up!?  Nope.  He went right in there and did this thang....

There were urinals opening up. 

SW needed to go!

I had to decide.  Do I give up my space in line and try SW in the urinals?!  What if he doesn't go in the urinals??? Then I'll have to get back in line for the stalls!!

Tic-toc-tic-toc..... time was ticking.  And SW needed to pee.  What to do?! What to do?!

FINALLY!!! A stall opens up.... I quickly run in.  The teenage boy walks out but doesn't flush. Jerk!  So I flush... only to see the dang toilet flood.

I make a quick u-turn... trying to get back in line.  And I see the stall next door open up... PERFECT!!!  Oh.... but the guy behind me didn't care.  He snuck right in.  Didn't give me the time of day.

I was stuck... no where to go but back into a flooding toilet.  Or.... give the urinal a try.

And boy did that training come in handy.  At least... he's done it all, but ONCE.

Took him to the urinal... he was too short!! What do I do? How do I hold him?? How do I coax him to pee? Do I yell at him in public? Does he even understand what's going on?

I pull down his pants and undies....  lift him up and dangle his legs.  Poor guy has no idea what's going on.  In my most loving voice... I ask, "Siu-Wah... pee pee la."  He's lost.  He's confused.  He's intrigued by the entire ordeal.  What's this thing we're standing in front of???

My back in killing me.  I start to sweat.  My arms are tired.  And the little munchkin can only say, "No pee-pee."  He hates it.  He needs to sit in his red potty at home.  He needs the comfort of gravity on his bum-bum.  Not dangling legs... not bah-bee's hands squeezing his armpits.

A million thoughts cross my mind.  Do I have any diapers with us? Do we have a change of clothes? Goodness... we're at the mall... we can just buy another set of clothes!!  Who cares if he wets himself.

So I pull up his pants.... I can't do this.  I can't do this to my son.  Simply can't force someone to pee if they don't want to.  I turn around and start walking out when my spirit of competitiveness kicks in.  I WON'T GIVE UP!!! NO!!!

Turn around and face the urinal again.  Go through the whole ordeal again.  Undo his pants and undies.  Lift him up.  Dangle his legs.  Beg.  Coax.  Bribe..... sweat POURING down my neck.  Still dry as the Sahara.

The heck with it....  not worth it.  When all of a sudden..... SW starts giggling.  He giggles.  He's smiling.  He's looking down... he's pointing, pointing at the stream arcing to the bottom of the porcelain bowl.


Couldn't have timed that morning training session any better.... huh???  

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