Friday, January 31, 2014


About a week ago... Nn and I started to play hide-n-seek.  She's 4.

I started by hiding in very obvious places... behind the couch or under the dinner table.  She'll get frustrated and end up asking Mah-mee for help. Then she'll crack up! She's 4.

As she graduated and got more sophisticated... I got a little more creative.  I'll stand behind the even if she comes in and peek in the room, she won't realize I'm there.  Or stuff a pillow under the comforter in bed and trick her... while I lie down NEXT to the bed under pillows.  She'll get frustrated and end up asking Mah-mee for help.  Then she'll crack up! She's 4.

Then it got more serious.  I started hiding in the shower, behind curtains.  The other day... in the garage (not on purpose... I had to run an errand).  She'll get frustrated... and give up.  And go read a book.  She's 4. 

She's so addicted to hide-n-seek... she'll want to play the moment she wakes up.  The danger is... she likes to "SEEK."  The day she starts wanting to "HIDE", then I really get scared.  With her small and flexible body... imagine all the weird and exotic places she can get into, while I get frustrated and freak out!!  And I'm not helping... by showing her all the possibilities. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Life or Death

Death - it's the unspoken word in most conversations.  It's the terminal disease we're all inflicted with the moment we're born.  It's the inevitable milestone that, as Christians, will lead us to eternal life. 

Ironically, even though death is merely a crossing to something greater, something more heavenly, some more... supernatural... we are taught to always pray for life.  As if death... is evil. 

Found out the sad news that a dear friend's niece was born with severe brain damage - to a point where prolonging her life will be costly, painful, and hopeless.  Here I stand... in the middle of life and death, and I wonder to myself.... do I pray for life? pray for miraculous recovery? Or do I do the unthinkable... and pray that God will remove this bitter cup from the parents and let the baby return to God's arms?

Miracles happen. We heard it Children Sunday School.  We hear at church and evangelical meetings.  And now... when we're faced with this personal trial or dare I say, test... where does my faith lie?


One of Joyce's online retail stores sent her a 2014 planner.  Nui-nui started playing with it... and yesterday, after a fantastic day at Happy Hollow, she wanted to write, "Today I went to Happy Hollow with Daddy" on January 20th.

So starting today... I decided that after she shares her "Happy Moment" during Family Time... she'll immediately write it down in her special book.  And thus begins.... TWA Journaling.  And get this... after a few months, I'm going to start journaling in Chinese. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Watch out world... another 365 days of "Eff-You Mode"

Gawd I hate being a sports fan...

Friday, January 17, 2014

Family Altar - Day X

Family Time the other day... Nn shared her happy moment:

"I am very happy today, because Bah-B said he'll come pick me up yesterday and he didn't.  But he came today."


Today's Family Time... Nn shared her happy moment:

"I am very happy today, because Bah-B picked me up three days in a row!"


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sore loser

Contrary to conventional teachings, but extremely appropriate, Vince Lombardi famously coined the words, "It's not how you play the game, it's whether you win or lose." 

Recently taught Nn how to play "Old Maid", the American version of 潛烏龜.  And boy does she hate to lose.  She'll cry, she'll pout, she'll toss her cards down and walk away if she loses.  She even figured out (instinctively) to peak at my cards and cheat. 

She's 4.  Do I let her win? Or do I teach her to be a good sport... and to enjoy the game regardless of the outcome.  Ohhhhhhh the dilemna.

When in doubt... go with the harder way out, cuz the easy way out is probably wrong.  So right now... dealing with tantrums, tantrums and more tantrums.  Sigh... such it is.

Friday, January 03, 2014

A look back at 2013....


People in America hate the number 13.  Rumor has it... hospitals and hotels don't have a "13th floor."  My friend's mom is a nurse...and she says hospitals don't have a room that ends in 13.  2013 wasn't a particular bad year... but it certainly wasn't a great year.  One would be looking forward to 2014.... cept that in Chinese, "14" is just as bad as lucky number "13."  Without further ado... the annual top 10 of 2013.  But since '13 was so blah, I can only think of 8 things.  Hehehe... 8.... maybe that'll counteract the bad luck?

8) Pope Francis - I've said it before and I'll say it again... Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.  Even blogged about this one here and here.  Let's just prayerfully hope that he does bring the millions of Catholics closer to God.

7)Hawaii - Despite all my complaining... this was actually an amazing trip.  We didn't do Pearl Harbor... we didn't do a luau....I reluctantly went to the Dole Plantation.... but we did swim with sea turtles.  We did go snorkling.  And we fulfilled one of Joyce's life long dreams.  

6) World Series flag raising - Opening Day - Can never take these days for granted cuz it could very well be the last time it happens in my lifetime.  I wept tears of joy as the orange banner was raised... and standing next to me... was my one true love.  Heaven was a place on earth...

5)Family Altar - What started on that fateful November date has continued to run strong in the Leung household.  And it's not by me or Joyce forcing it... but the kids beg for it.  And the best part of Family being able to share it with our friends. 

4) Cancer and death - It kept coming... one after another... my friends' wives kept being impacted with breast cancer.  My other friend's dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer....and the weekend of his niece's wedding... his sister commits suicide.  Then there's this.  Next time there's any Cancer fundraiser... I'm there!

3) Diaper Free!!!!! - Just today... we returned the box of diapers to Costco that we'll never need again. The stress was unbearable those few days when he first stopped wearing diapers... and the stress continues whenever he goes out and needs to go "poo-poo."  But from this day forward... we are done... DONE I TELL YOU!!!!

2) Joyce joins the worship team - OH MY GOD!! (and that's not a pun).  Prayers answered.... saints and angels showed up in a timely fashion.  On the whim of quitting... things took a change for the better.  And the two kids... they love it that mommy is worship God!!  Why can't she do this more often????

 and last....but certainly not least...

1) Superbowl 47 - I've blogged too much about this.  And despite the legend behind this Superbowl with the infamous blackout...the comeback...the Harbaugh Bowl... the last 5 yards.... this will always be the Superbowl that put me into "F*CK YOU" mode for 365 days.  No.... I haven't recovered yet.  Not even close.....

2014....... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ let's win something this year, please?

A touching moment...

While at the swimming pool at the Embassy Suites... I notice a family of 7 come strolling in.  Three of the kids ran and jumped straight into the pool.  The other two kids.... obviously required special needs. 

The boy... perhaps 6 or 7?  Laughed a lot.  But that's about all he could do.  Laugh and grunt.

The girl... perhaps 4 or 5? Sat in her banana stroller staring straight ahead with her head turning at slight angles.

While the other three "normal" kids were having fun... the dad swam with the boy, keeping close and constant care.  The mom sat next to the girl... watching and gazing at her siblings.

Half hour later... I ended up in the hot tub with the mom and her two kids.  The mom was talking to another mom and here's what she said....

"She (the girl) was one of two identical twins. They were born at 26 weeks.  Her sister didn't make it.  But we thank God that we did not come home empty handed.  After having four children that requires special needs... I can't believe God gave us identical twins." 

These parents truly are special....