Friday, January 03, 2014

A look back at 2013....


People in America hate the number 13.  Rumor has it... hospitals and hotels don't have a "13th floor."  My friend's mom is a nurse...and she says hospitals don't have a room that ends in 13.  2013 wasn't a particular bad year... but it certainly wasn't a great year.  One would be looking forward to 2014.... cept that in Chinese, "14" is just as bad as lucky number "13."  Without further ado... the annual top 10 of 2013.  But since '13 was so blah, I can only think of 8 things.  Hehehe... 8.... maybe that'll counteract the bad luck?

8) Pope Francis - I've said it before and I'll say it again... Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.  Even blogged about this one here and here.  Let's just prayerfully hope that he does bring the millions of Catholics closer to God.

7)Hawaii - Despite all my complaining... this was actually an amazing trip.  We didn't do Pearl Harbor... we didn't do a luau....I reluctantly went to the Dole Plantation.... but we did swim with sea turtles.  We did go snorkling.  And we fulfilled one of Joyce's life long dreams.  

6) World Series flag raising - Opening Day - Can never take these days for granted cuz it could very well be the last time it happens in my lifetime.  I wept tears of joy as the orange banner was raised... and standing next to me... was my one true love.  Heaven was a place on earth...

5)Family Altar - What started on that fateful November date has continued to run strong in the Leung household.  And it's not by me or Joyce forcing it... but the kids beg for it.  And the best part of Family being able to share it with our friends. 

4) Cancer and death - It kept coming... one after another... my friends' wives kept being impacted with breast cancer.  My other friend's dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer....and the weekend of his niece's wedding... his sister commits suicide.  Then there's this.  Next time there's any Cancer fundraiser... I'm there!

3) Diaper Free!!!!! - Just today... we returned the box of diapers to Costco that we'll never need again. The stress was unbearable those few days when he first stopped wearing diapers... and the stress continues whenever he goes out and needs to go "poo-poo."  But from this day forward... we are done... DONE I TELL YOU!!!!

2) Joyce joins the worship team - OH MY GOD!! (and that's not a pun).  Prayers answered.... saints and angels showed up in a timely fashion.  On the whim of quitting... things took a change for the better.  And the two kids... they love it that mommy is worship God!!  Why can't she do this more often????

 and last....but certainly not least...

1) Superbowl 47 - I've blogged too much about this.  And despite the legend behind this Superbowl with the infamous blackout...the comeback...the Harbaugh Bowl... the last 5 yards.... this will always be the Superbowl that put me into "F*CK YOU" mode for 365 days.  No.... I haven't recovered yet.  Not even close.....

2014....... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ let's win something this year, please?

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