Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Life or Death

Death - it's the unspoken word in most conversations.  It's the terminal disease we're all inflicted with the moment we're born.  It's the inevitable milestone that, as Christians, will lead us to eternal life. 

Ironically, even though death is merely a crossing to something greater, something more heavenly, some more... supernatural... we are taught to always pray for life.  As if death... is evil. 

Found out the sad news that a dear friend's niece was born with severe brain damage - to a point where prolonging her life will be costly, painful, and hopeless.  Here I stand... in the middle of life and death, and I wonder to myself.... do I pray for life? pray for miraculous recovery? Or do I do the unthinkable... and pray that God will remove this bitter cup from the parents and let the baby return to God's arms?

Miracles happen. We heard it Children Sunday School.  We hear at church and evangelical meetings.  And now... when we're faced with this personal trial or dare I say, test... where does my faith lie?

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