Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sore loser

Contrary to conventional teachings, but extremely appropriate, Vince Lombardi famously coined the words, "It's not how you play the game, it's whether you win or lose." 

Recently taught Nn how to play "Old Maid", the American version of 潛烏龜.  And boy does she hate to lose.  She'll cry, she'll pout, she'll toss her cards down and walk away if she loses.  She even figured out (instinctively) to peak at my cards and cheat. 

She's 4.  Do I let her win? Or do I teach her to be a good sport... and to enjoy the game regardless of the outcome.  Ohhhhhhh the dilemna.

When in doubt... go with the harder way out, cuz the easy way out is probably wrong.  So right now... dealing with tantrums, tantrums and more tantrums.  Sigh... such it is.

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